Monday, March 23, 2015

A 1924 model

Many of you know that my grandma means the world to me. She is a great example of strength and enduring to the end. I get the opportunity to spend a lot of time with her, and have my whole life and for that I am grateful. I am grateful that I have gotten to hear stories about her growing up, and how her and my grandpa met. I love the time that I get to spend with her. I wish she could see how much she means to me and how much I love her and how wonderful she is.
This Christmas she went out of her way to buy me a special jewelry box that's a music box too, and when you open it the song is You Are My Sunshine!! She made me cry, but she has referred to me as that since. She tells me all the time " You are my sunshine." and when I haven't made it down for a little bit she tells me that she misses her "Sunshine."
Lately she hasn't been feeling to red hot, and she isn't able to move around like she wishes she could. She wants to be out planting flowers and doing yard work. She wants to be able to do all her house work like she used to with out getting winded. She is 90 and still doing all her house work, not everyday like she used to but she still gets it done. She still cooks as well.
She means the world to me! I hate to see her in so much pain. I had to take her in to the dentist this Saturday because her tooth was killing her and she feels so bad taking mine and Josh's time on a Saturday, but what she doesn't understand is that we don't mind, and love spending the time with her. She has come to the conclusion that the reason she hasn't passed on is because she is here to help someone. But in the mean time this is her new saying. " I'm al old 1924 model! I functioning on one working head light, both bumpers are gone the upholstery is shot, it's wrinkled and there are spots that no matter how much or hard that I wash them they will not come off. The water pump and the exhaust work great, but the frame is bent. Other than that it's shot."
I love that she can still be happy and positive and make light of how she feels. I wish that the new models the 2000 models were made half as well as the 1924 model. I don't think they are made to last as long now days and work as hard.
I am grateful that my grandma is still here. I know that she wants to move on and be with my grandpa but I am so Thankful that my kids get to know and spend time with such a wonderful woman.

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