Thursday, March 31, 2011

The small things

Growing up, my dad was a painter. Our house always looked good, and had the new look. My dad was really into colors and knew what went with what, and what not to put together.
After I got married and moved up to the U he came and painted my Gross bathroom that kept getting mold above the shower. He used a mold free paint. After he got done with my bathroom it looked GREAT!!
He has painted some very expensive homes. Homes that I have gotten to tour while he was working on them.
Anyways, after a he fell about 15 feet of a scaffold, his career kind of ended. He has had issues with everything it seems. First his foot from the fall, that took about 4 surgeries, then his back started giving out. He hated not being able to do what he was soo good at.
I would ask him to come help me from time to time, and he would, but watching the pain he is in isn't worth to me. He would do anything for me even if it meant he would regret it later.
So this venture I am on with my new kitchen, I am on it alone. I was so frustrated yesterday it wasn't even funny. My dad always made it look easy, and yesterday was anything but easy. What would have taken my dad maybe 2 hours took Joshie and I about 6 , Joshie and I finished at midnight, he teased my the whole time about the color, but I like it. We needed to change things up a little.
This project just made me realize that sometimes we really take things for granted.
Love ya dad, thanks for teaching me all the tricks! I know it's not as good as you would have done, but it is great for me!!

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