Friday, April 1, 2011

Just being happy with what I have

I have learned a good lesson. It has taken me almost 34 years, but I did learn it. I need to be Happy with what I have. That goes for everything in my life. I was reminded of that today when I was working in my flower bed.
I was out weeding , and all these Happy thoughts crossed my mind, as I was trimming my roses that each of my kids gave me for my birthday when we moved in,one was how much I love my house. I know that when the time is right Josh and I will move, but that time is not now, and I think it's a good thing with the way the world is going. Who wants to be stuck with a big house payment and no job or food.
I love my little house, and I love my little family, I love my husband, and the life that we live. I love my friends, the few that I have. I love my life. I am proud of my kids, and the way that they are living their lives. I am grateful for the relationship I have with each of them. I love my parents and the great people they are. I am grateful for the love that they show my kids, and the time that we get to spend together hanging out.
It is a good feeling to just be Happy with everything. The more you are happy, the less your life sucks.

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