Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Some of you already know

Most of the people that read my blog already know that a couple of weeks ago my Grandma Mary feel and fractured her pelvis in 3 different places. She was beside herself thinking that this ment that she was not going to be able to go home. She knew that this ment she was going to have to go back to the rehab place she had visited a year ago.
When my dad called me and was frantic on the phone insisting that he needed Josh over there now, Grandma had fallen, my heart sunk to the floor. All I could think about was that this was the start to the end for her. Which I DO NOT LIKE TO THINK ABOUT!!
My Grandma is my bestfriend!! Same with my Grandpa. I lost him almost 8 years ago, and don't want to think about loosing her. She has been a big part of my life. The two times I have gone to visit her she has scared me, She is asleep, and looks dead. I gentley rub her foot, and then she wakes, but her skin is so pale,and with her bright red lipstick it makes her look dead.
She is recovering nicely, and she does like the rehab. Some of the nurses are still there that she made friends with last year. If all goes well she should be home in 6 weeks.
I know that day will come when she is no longer here, but I hope it's not for awhile.
I tease her all the time and tell her that she has at least 10 years left. She hates the idea of that, it's kind of bitter sweet. She wants to see my grandpa and her parents and siblings, but doesn't want to leave my kids either.
We love you grandma!!!

1 comment:

Aislinn said...

Heidi, I'm so glad to know that your grandmother is recovering nicely and will be able to return home soon. She is absolutely one of my most favorite people in our ward and I have truely enjoyed knowing her! Tell her HI for me!