Wednesday, April 23, 2014


So my grandma is doing great!! Her Bishop, one of our dear sweet friends went and visited her a couple nights before, he asked her if she wanted a blessing and she said God is so busy and has more important things to do with his time. The Bishop wasn't having any of that and insisted that she have one. She agreed and told me all about it. She told me that he said that she wasn't here because she needed to learn something, she is here for someone else. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. She told me how much she loved Kelly D ( Bishop) and how she considered him one of her own kids.
She has been a trooper. She insisted on coming up to our ward to hear Lili, Josh and I speak. She made it! She also went to the Dr. and he says she is as healthy as a horse, she is just in a 90 year old body. I hope she is here for a while. I always told her she would be here to see my boys go on missions and get married,. I think she might stick around to see Bubba go on his mission.
I love my grandma with all my heart and admire her and how strong she has been. She never gives up she keeps moving around even though it hurts. She is a great example to all of us of hard work.

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