Monday, July 8, 2013

Bitter Sweet

Today Kelsey's head stone was placed on her grave. It is Beautiful, and I now she would love it. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her, and what an amazing kid she was. She didn't have that easy of a childhood, but she sure lived a good life and was a great example of how to love everyone. She always made me feel special and I loved our long talks. I loved her jet black hair!
I loved how she had a love for animals, and that she didn't care how many she had if one needed a home she would take it, and love it. She loved her little brother and would look out for him all the time.
My fondest memories of her was when she was a baby. She was so smart. She knew her nursery rhymes before she was one. I loved spending time with her and her mom when her dad was over seas for the Marines. She had brown eyes that sparkled and just a happy little girl. She loved her binki she had a cute little trick with that thing. you would flip it upside down and while in her mouth she would flip it right side up with her tongue. It was the cutest thing. She was just a great little girl. I spent a couple of weeks with her and her parents in California when I was 16, I just loved to spend time with her.
So it is bitter sweet!! Right now if she was here I would be loving on her baby!! And I would get to see her every day!! But I know that this world is just getting more evil every day and that makes me glad that she is in Heaven with her little family!! Plus she can watch over her dad while he is in Afghanistan! 

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