Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Up date on our new house

So over the weekend I was nervous about the price of our new house. It is beautiful and amazing, and I never pictured us in a home like this. Its everything we could ever want. We weren't very happy with the location, it was right up above eagle ridge mountain. We weren't on the edged, but I wasn't happy with the view and the direction the house was going to be facing.
When looking at the model home and getting some peoples opinions about the soil where we had purchased our lot, we decided to take Josh's mom's advice and spend $50,000 and get higher up in a better area. BUT That $50,000 is what made me nervous.
After talking we have decided that we are still going to buy the house we love, but we aren't going to finish the basement. An unfinished basement is a teenage boys dream!! They will love it. We will finish it as we get the money.

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