Monday, December 10, 2012


So why is it when you are  doing the things that you should, your life feels like it is falling to pieces?  Thursday night I went up to my brothers house for a blessing. I just sat there and cried to him. " I just don't understand why?  I am paying my tithing which is a big thing for me!, going to church, reading scriptures, and having family prayer, why does it feel like my life falling apart?"
I know that satin is working hard on us, but Holy Cow I am about done. Leave my family alone! It is hard to be happy when the road never goes up, it is always going down.
Satin is hitting me where he knows it hurts the most, my kids! Not all of them, but my oldest!! The other ones are doing good. If we can get grades up they will all be great.
My oldest just can't seem to come around. He knows his dad and I love him which is positive. Because we love him so much we took him down to the police station Thursday evening and turned him in. I hope this will be a good turn in the road. To show him that we do love him and are willing to do what it takes to keep him good!

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