Friday, May 18, 2012

Always remember I love you!!

That is what I want to say to my kids today!! I just attended a funeral for one of my sons friends brothers. It was so sad. He was only 25. I don't know all the reasons, but I cried like a baby. I sat there and just thought to myself I don't ever want to have to do this.I also thought to myself how I wanted to be more like this kid. I didn't even know him, but he touched so many peoples lives, and was so loving and non judge mental.
I want my kids to know that no matter what choices you make I am always going to love you, and so is Heavenly Father. We may not agree with you decisions, but we will always love you. I am always here to talk, cry, give advise, and try to help as much as I can. Knowing too that you made your choices and therefor there will be some consequences that you have to deal with on your own. But I will be there to lighten your burden as much as I can.
Know that there is nothing you can do to make me not love you. I am your mom and that is what moms and families are for. Know that you always have a choice, and no matter what, you know what the right choice is. Know that Heavenly Father is there for you with open arms and wanting to help you too. Jesus died for us so that we all could live with Heavenly Father again, so that we could repent for our sins/wrong choices.
Know that the happiest days of my life are 1st when I met and married your dad, and when I gave birth to each of you. Being a mom has been the best thing in the world for me, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love you kids with all my heart, and hope that I can raise you to know right from wrong, and to be strong when you have to make hard decisions. To know that there isn't anything more important than family.
Love Mom

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