Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sometimes you just have to have faith

As a mom, most of the time I try to force my will on my kids. Which isn't always the best idea. I do know that they have their free agency, but they know as well that the wrath of me is no fun!!
But when it comes to my oldest, I can only push him so much. You have to know that fine line, and with this kid I do. He is a smart kid,and just yesterday I came to realize that when left to make the right decisions with NO pressure from me just support,for months, he has made the decisions that I knew was best for him. My heart could not be bigger!!
For months I have prayed for this child, that he would make the right decision, that he would just be a kid, and have fun. That he wouldn't waist his high school years waiting on something that just might not happen.
I can't wait to see where this new road takes him, I am so excited for him to start living life, and knowing what High School is supposed to be like, and how much fun he can have if he just has tons of friends, and has fun.
Love you J man!

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