Thursday, April 28, 2011


I bet you can guess what this one is about!!!
Yesterday I got an e-mail from one of my oldest's teachers."Josh is a very smart student and is always polite when I speak to him one on one but today he would not stop talking even though I asked him repeatedly to be quiet. I finally moved him to the front by my desk to keep him from talking. While he was there he unplugged the audio on my speakers and unplugged my mouse so it only partially worked. I was able to work out things so I could show the powerpoint that I was presenting but it is hard enough to present to students without having them play with the equipment and talk so others cannot hear. There were others talking also but Josh was the most beligerent."
Does that sound like something he would do? Well I wasn't sure. You think that you raise them to respect their teachers. So when he got home from football I asked him about it. I let him read her e-mail. He said mom I didn't do that. I was talking, but that was all. Needless to say that is all I needed to know. So my response was this.
"Dear Mrs Presser,
I have talked to my son, and now I am very frustrated. For some reason you have
a bone to pick and have decided to pick it with my son. I am not going to stand
by and allow for this to happen. After having a long talk with Josh all he is
guilty of is talking in your class today. Before you go accusing someone of
doing something you need to get your facts straight. I know for certain that my
son was not belligerent, he has not been raised that way. He is more scared of
me than looking cool in front of his class mates. I know with out a doubt that
he treats people with respect, but talks way too much.
I will be showing up tomorrow to talk to Mr. Jorgenson about this issue. And
will be coming to class tomorrow.
This teacher has been a problem all term. She looses assingments, and then tells kids they haven't turned them in. She has done that to Josh a few times. Then she tell Josh that she can't read his writting so she isn't grading his work.
I have talked to him about that. He has also talked to her and told her that if he has below a C, he is grounded all weekend, so could she please grade his work and put it into the computer so he isn't grounded? She says I'll grade it before I die. Really!!!
I don't know what her beef is , but I do know she will be getting over it ASAP!!
So I get this e-mail back
"Josh was the only one that I put at the front of the room. My computer stopped working after I put him up front. When I used the word them I was using it in a general context.

My response

Just because your computer stopped working when you moved him doesn't mean a thing. You were frustrated there for you blamed Josh for it. I am sorry that he frustrated you by not listening to you and that he kept talking. I have talked to him about that.
From talking to Josh I believe that he is telling me the truth. The only way that I am not going to believe him is if someone saw him do it. The reason I say someone, is because if you saw him, it's just a she said he said situation. If someone else saw him than we have solid information. I am under the understanding that your mouse is cordless. If that is true, how would he unplug it. Even if the mouse had a cord he would have had to have followed the cord to the back of your computer. Someone would have seen him do it.
Also Josh is in hot water all ready for some things that he did do. There is no way that he would have done more things yesterday to add to it. So If you have no proof other than it stopped working, I think you owe him an apology. He is a good kid, and does get a bad rap sometimes. Sometimes he deserves it and other times he doesn't. He is more than willing to take the punisments or points when he has done something wrong.
I will be joing Josh for your class today. I am looking forward to talking with you and Mr. J and resolving this issue.
Thanks for your time.

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