Friday, March 4, 2011

An old letter I found.

Tonight Josh and the boys are at scout camp. SOOO, to keep myself busy I have been cleaning out my files. OH BOY were they messy, and OH BOY do I collect a ton a crap. I have a garbage sack full of garbage.
Any way while I was cleaning I came across this paper that said"PJ, Tom,& Heidi" So it peaked my curiosity so I opened it. It was a letter from my dad. I don't know when he wrote it, but it was a long time ago when we were all little, and he and my mom were having issues. They were probably divorced at the time he wrote it.
It brought me to tears. He says: I am sorry for the way I have messed up your little lives." He also says "I am sorry for not being a good dad and father to each of you. I hope I can make it all up to you some day. I really do love you kids and want you to be happy."
You were young, you did the best you could with what you had. I don't remember you being a bad dad. I remember all the good times we had. You holding me when I got my tonsils out.
Playing this little piggy on your toes in the raft on the lake. Going boating and camping. Having a great time as a family.
talking to you before I went with my mom on the weekends. We were best friends when I was 2,3,&4,. Then life got a little hectic ,we were still friends, but you got busy working on your relationship with Mom(Deanne), and trying to mix 2 families. It was crazy.
I think we have a great relationship now, and you have a great relationship with each of my kids. They all love you so much. You are a great grandpa, and a great dad. I love you with all my heart, and wouldn't change a thing. Our expierences have made us who we are.
Love Your Princess

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