Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lulu Returns

Today Alexis came home!! She has been gone on a mission for 18 months. We all went to the airport to WELCOME her home. WE all bawled like little babies. She is so beautiful and perfect.
She has been such a great example to my little family. We adore her. We always have. she was filled with the spirit, and she just glowed. It was wonderful to see her again, and to know that she is home, and we can see her when ever we want.
She bore her testimony to us before she got released, and it was beautiful. In she said that she hoped she had done enough. I cried when she said that, because knowing her she gave more than 100%. She is such a wonderful daughter of our Heavenly Father. I know that he is very pleased with everything she has done. She has lead a wonderful life full of love, charity, and serving.
We love you Lulu and are so grateful for your example in our lives.

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