Monday, January 10, 2011

Why is school so Frustrating?

I think that school is ridiculous these days!! I think that I get more frustrated than my kids do. I just don't understand how a kid can go from a A down to an F in one day, or a B to an F in one day. The grades go down so fast, and take forever to come back up.
I think that home school is the way to go. There is just too much crap that kids have to deal with these days.

1 comment:

gatherum1 said...

I agree that kids have to put up with tons of stuff at school that we never had to deal with. I never homeschooled my kids, but I always thought it was a great idea. Especially now, because kids can attend classes like band at the school and still do their other subjects at home. There are co-op homeschool groups where parents take turns teaching kids specialized subjects, like language or math so you don't have to be an expert in everything to teach your kids. It sounds like something you might want to check into. Good luck!