Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Boys will be Boys Right?

I have often wondered why!!! Why when my son is with certian kids, his brain stops working? I love this kid to death, but I am trying to understand what goes on in that head of his.
So Saturday evening after getting home from dinner with some friends, Big daddy gets a phone call. All I hear is Yes sir, then big daddy gives his birth date, and then says " are we supposed to pick him up at Mrs. Batemans house?"
I was confused, because Josh was supposed to be at Mr.Batemans house in Farmington,having a sleep over and then going to church in the morning( which now I know that his friend thinks that if he says that they are going to church, or reading scriptures then I am more likely to let Josh go) But now I am on to him.
So the boys said that they couldn't sleep over at Tyson's dads house. So they were staying at his moms. They were out side, and decided it would be fun to throw snowballs from Tyson's backyard onto Highway 89. Then one of the kids had this great Idea. They wanted to see who could hit a car first. Then all the sudden Tyson pegged a car, it stopped, and flipped on it's lights. Thats right it just happened to be an under cover cop in an unmarked car. YES!!
When I showed up the cop was very nice, and Josh pail as could be, because he knew that he was in trouble. He got charged with Criminal Mischief. The cop came up to me and said" I just want you to know that you have a very respectable son." I said Thank You, but he is still in trouble. He laughed.
I can't tell you how important it is to be there for your kids.To help them see that they are a leader, and that it is ok to walk away when people decided to do stupid things. I wanted to kill him. I did yell at him, and I felt bad.I told him that enough is enough. He has got to start useing his brain. He has got to stop following the crowd, and be a leader, or he is headed down a long road, that won't be fun.
I think it has only begun with this one. I already have grey hairs. Soon I will be all grey.


Liz said...

well i know a good stylist that could change the gray back to your beautiful blonde locks. i don't know if this makes you feel any better, but i was doing the same kind of stuff when i was his age and i turned out okay! but joshie is a leader and you gave him good advice to be just that.

Becky said...

Oh my... I think that is all I have to say!