Monday, December 27, 2010

Tonights workout

Josh and I went and worked out tonight, we were the only ones there. OH MY GOSH!!! Jason was sweet, but he kicked our butts. So this was the work out
20 ball Pikes: You get on one of the exercise balls, in the push up positon with the ball under your belly, while rolling your body forward and crunching up.
15 Hop Touch Reach: You have a medicine ball, and you go in the push up position, you hop up in a squat, and then grab the ball and raise it above your head.
TRX Jack hope: TRX,looks like a tow rope with handles that hooks to the door frame by the hinges. You make sure there is no slack in the ropes and then squat and then jump straight up pulling yourself forward, and landing in a squat, and then hope back into the starting positon.
20 power wheels: A wheel with handles on the axel that you roll forward and do reverse crunches on. Nice work out on your abs.
60 ball lunges: Lunges with a ball on a rope
10 calf raises per stair which = 140 Killed my feet.
TRX leg curls: you lay on your back with your heels in the handle, and bend your knees and try to touch your butt with your heels.
4 bag flips: 70lbs punching bag that you have to flip to the end of the room and back.
Tug of War with Jason for 45 seconds
Tire run, where you run through the tires like in football.
10 hop touch reach
Zig Zag through the orange cones sideways half ways and then switch sides
Then hop in the big tire and out into another one and out and into another one and out.
Then repeat!!
I wanted to PUKE!!! My heart was beating so fast and hard.

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