Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So today was not a good day!! I hate going and talking to my kids teachers, and finding out what I already know. They are smart!!, They are good kids!!, They aren't disruptive most the time!!, And they are too smart to have the grades that they do!!,I know all of this.I spent 2 hours over at the school this evening with 4 kids to hear this again.
Also today I get a phone call saying that my oldest is in trouble for filling up a water balloon and chucking over the lockers in gym at kids that were throwing trash over the lockers at him. I love how the school handles it. This is kind of what they say. "Well it's what could have happened." " A piece of the balloon could have hit some one in the eye, or someone could have slipped on our nonslip floor." They just want to hear I am sorry, and I won't do it again.Then the kids has to come early and clean, and stay after and clean. I was told that they were very impressed how my son took responsibility, and he went to work cleaning, and did a great job. I wanted to say NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Really!!!
I said well this is how I look at it.I hate the word sorry!! If you were drinking and driving, and you killed a person Sorry isn't going to help the situation. You shouldn't have been doing it in the first place, and now a family is with out that person. Sorry doesn't bring them back. Josh just looked at me. He understood what I was saying.
When talking to him later I said you know before you go and do something like this again, you need to stop and ask yourself is this going to get me into trouble? If the answer is yes then you probably shouldn't do it."Ok Mom." The kid can only go so long before getting in trouble, it's just in him to live on the edge.
I can truly say that I don't have a dull life!!
To top the day off some little girl stole Mary's lunch today. If you know Mary she was beside herself. I had gotten the girls the pizza lunchables. They were so excited because normally it's a sandwhich that they have for lunch. This little girl just walked up and helped herself to Mary's lunch. After she was done eating the fist pizza, she went to help herself to antoher. Mary tried to grab it back, but the girl wouldn't let go, and it half of it ended up on the floor, and the girl got the other half. Mary was starving when she got home. That made me mad!! So I was on the phone to the school. We will see what happens.


we said...

i'm glad he wasn't streaking through the lockeroom with an olympic torch like someone i know haha! (elora did that in jr high when the olympics in slc you should have heard that conversation with her mom and the principal!) poor mary! love those kids!

gatherum1 said...

You are such a good Mom! I'm sorry little Mary had such a rotten day. I hope the other little girl's mom had to buy Mary a week's worth of lunchables!