Friday, October 29, 2010

I needed a good laugh

All of you know that I love Halloween. My favorite Holiday!! So tonight we were watching America's funniest home videos. People were scaring each other. I loved it. So I got the idea to scare my oldest son Josh. I called him and asked him to come home and feed the dogs. He said ok. So I went out side and hid behind our old water heater, and the box of the new water heater. I put on our old man mask that was my brothers and waited for about 30 mins. I called him and asked him if he had fed the dogs yet, because I had been out there for a while, he said nope but I am going to. So I told him I was at a friends house I would be right home. I hung up and then he came out.
I could hear the door handle twist, and him and his friend were talking. All the sudden I hear him say " HEY WATCH THIS!" I knew that he was going to kick or hit the box I was standing behind. SOOOO I pushed it towards him, and he Yelled Someone is out there ran inside and slammed the door.
I hurried and moved to the side of the house, it was a good thing I did he came out with a baseball bat and started hitting the box. I was to the side of the house laughing so hard. He then started tapping the side of the wall where I was hiding. So I came out laughing. OH the high light of my week.


kelly said...

Nice one Heidi!
I'm laughing just picturing it.

Liz said...

I love that story, i was reading it with a huge smile!

Aislinn said...

Where is the camera when you need it.. that is AWESOME!

jon and em said...

you are such a fun mom, i would have loved to see his face!!

we said...

he got a bat that is the funniest thing i have heard in the longest time! good thing you made a run for the side of the house or you may have gotten it from joshie! i love that kid!