Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I don't know what scares me most :D

Having an almost 15 year old who will be driving soon, OR having him starting to like girls and have a girl friend.
Him having a girl friend scares me, because I met his dad when I was just barely 15. I knew the day that I saw him that he was going to be my husband. That's what scares me!!
Joshie and I are close, his dad jokes with me that he would have never have told his mom half the things that Joshie has told me. Joshie and I have a great relationship. So when I talk to him it's not a parent to child, you will not do this!! I explaing why I am feeling the way that I do. He doesn't understand. I don't mind him having a girlfriend. I explain to him that they will not be dating or be alone. They have to be with us(Josh and I and the family) or tons of friends.
He was feeling like I thought he was a pervert, which I know is not the case. I am suprised that he doesn't have more of his dads harmones :D I have no worries of any kind with that kid. He is a great kid in every area of his life. What worries me the most is that the Devil works on the good kids!! I told Josh that even the best kids fall.
I know after our conversation he understood where I was going with it, and why I felt the way I did.
I also asked him to answer this question. I told him to be honest. I said" Do you Josh Redd want to serve a mission? Do you want to for you or because you feel pressure from others? Because if you do than you want to make sure that you don't do things that would make that not happen.
He said to me "Yes I do want to serve a mission, for myself. Dad has always said that he has one regret,and thats not serving a mission. He doesn't regret his life,and getting married, but he wishes he would have gone on a mission." He said "look at Spencer and how happy he is and what a mission did for him."
I love that kid.
Not everyone is ready to be a parent at 17. I am open about that with him as well. I was nuts, crazy what ever you want to call it. I was ready to be a mom. Not everyone is! I told him that I don't want to have to watch him make the same mistakes I did.


Christy Woolston said...

CRAZY STUFF! I'm not ready for such things. Not the driving...not the dating. Sound like a good solid talk though.

jon and em said...

i love this.

man, i daydream of the missionary tag: Elder Redd.

he is a great, great kid. and you are a great, great mom.

we said...

just tell him, remember the 500 from auntie liv.... hahahaha! he is such a good kid and you are a great mom! that is crazy that he is almost 15 years old! i love that boy and i know the best is yet to be, great things are to come from josh redd! i have 100% confidence in joshie, he is such a strong kid!

Liz said...

i'm glad you are having such good conversations with your kids, way to go!!!