Monday, October 11, 2010

I better watch out

I was teasing some friends yesterday that I think the church is going to burn down!! Why? Well lets just say a certain someone has been to all 3 meetings 3 weeks in a row!! I can't remember the last time that happened. I can say, my weeks have been so much better.
Yesterday in sacrament people bore their testimonies and they touched me. They talked about how they felt like Heavenly Father was too busy for them, and how they just didn't pray. One talked about how she started questioning if what she has practiced all her life was real. It was very touching to hear what she went through, and the feelings she had, and how she was able to overcome it.
I have felt the same way before, I pray and pray and pray, and most the time feel like why? I know he answers prayers, it has happend to me before, why not now, or why not the answer that I want. It is hard to be positive and keep praying.
These testimonies touched me. Because in the end if we have faith, it all works out how it should. One lady in RS said Fake it till you Make it. I lauged at that.
I left yesterday just feeling good that I wasn't the only one who had those feelings. It helped me feel normal.


jon and em said...

Loved this post, Heid!

It's amazing that even how different each one of us is, we are all 'working out our salvation' with Heavenly Father. It's an incredible feeling to know others are in the same boat, and going through the same experiences. It is so true that faith gives us power to keep going!

Elder Condie gave a super sweet talk about praying, praying, praying and not seeming to get the answer
(with examples of women in the old testament who struggled with infertility),5232,23-1-775-6,00.html

Keep up the great work, Heid, love you so much!

we said...

so proud of you, all three meetings is a killer! i love you sis.