Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Having a family buisness is hard

I think that when you have a family buisness, sometimes we take each other for granted. It is hard, and feelings get hurt. It is hard to seperate Boss from Dad and mom, at least in my eyes. It was nice to hear that I am not the only one who feels this way sometimes.
When Josh and I took a pay cut I was immeditaly mad at dad and mom, I didn't understand WHY!! I thought to myself do they not want us to suceed? Why would they do this. It had nothing to do with them, it had everything to do with the buisness. The buisness wasn't doing good, and rather than letting some people go, they cut everyones pay.
Some day I hope that I can react different when things like this happen. Dad and mom always want whats best for their kiddos. I just need to keep that in mind.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I grew up with my dad having his own businesses. It was REALLY HARD! He still has his own business and Ryan's dad has worked for him for the last 6 years. He quit last week. I felt SO relieved. It was so stressful. I totally feel your pain.