Tuesday, October 5, 2010

JJ#14 Write a want ad that best describes you if you were fore sale

WANTED!! Not to short, not to tall, brownish blondish hair, a curvy lady with a great personality, and great self esteem, that cares for people. A good listener, Who is great with kids, someone who thinks that family is the most important thing in life, loves to cook and clean, and knows how to speak her mind if needed, stands up for what she knows is right. likes to do a little crafting, with a great imagination. Someone who doesn't care what others think of her. Someone who is happy just being herself. With a you get what you see kind of attitude, and a glass half full kind a lady!


Aislinn said...

I love the ad! What a fun way to look at yourself in a positive light!

jon and em said...

I agree with everything on the list!!