Thursday, September 30, 2010

JJ#9 List each of your brothers and sisters. Tell something about them.

Dan: He is over in Afghanistan right now. He is one of my closet siblings. He had such a hard childhood, and has come so far on his own. He has been a great example to me, and I look up to him and admire him for over coming his trials.
PJ: This ones a hard one. He was on of my best friends. A very generous person who would give you the shirt off his back, if you are on his good side. Fun and very energetic.
Tom: Very caring, and busy. Very loving. Tom is very busy with soon t be 6 of his own kids. His life is not easy. Tom is very genuine. All though I don't see him a ton, I know that he loves me and my little family. He is a great guy.
Amanda: I miss her every day. Growing up we were best friends.We shared a room, and talked about everything. We loved hanging out with each other. She is beautiful, and is a great mom to her two boys.
Emily: Very passionate and caring. I love her laugh and her smile. Her positive attitude even when life is hard.
Liz: Very out going, loving, a great example to me of the Pure Love Of Christ.
Alli: I love Alli, she is very thoughtful, and knows how to make a girl feel loved. I love hanging out with her and learning new things about her. She has a huge heart, and wants to make sure every one is happy.
Alexis: A shinning STAR! Ever since she was little and came and slept over at my house. I loved spending time getting to know who she was. She is a leader. A great example to me of how we all should be.
Olivia: Josh's Favorite!!! Need I say more, I love her spunky personality. I love that she doesn't care what people think. If it makes her happy, she does it. I think she awesome, and has confidence in herself that I wish I had.
Vanessa: WILD AND CRAZY, But I love that girl to death. I hope that she knows I have a special place in my heart for her. I think she wonderful. I love her hugs, and just sitting down and being able to talk to her about my life, and hers. Neither one of us judging, just trying to listen, and help where we can.

To my siblings.
I think you are all Christ like, and wonderful people. You all have things that you do that make a girl feel loved. You have all been great examples to our family. I hope you know how much we love and adore each of you and your spouses. You have all married great people. I don't think our family can get much better, now until the three little ones get married(Alexis, Olivia, Vanessa). Our family is going to ROCK!
Love Heidi


Liz said...

i love reading your Journal Jar's and learning more about you (and I guess us too!) what a nice list describing your siblings.

here's mine to you: very generous, thoughtful (and I mean months of thinking thoughtful), very helpful-you see a need and immediately go help, fun to be around and up for a good time, a good listener, and someone who recognizes the importance of family relationships. thanks again for helping me out so much today, i really appreciate it!

jon and em said...

I love your journal jar entries too!
You have a gift of seeing the best in people ~ thanks for loving us. We love you.