Friday, October 1, 2010

JJ#10 Write abut feeling loved. Who has loved you?

I am loved by many!!! Each has their own special way of showing it.
The person that loves me the most is my Hubby! He has treated me like NO other my whole 18 years of knowing him. Every day even when he is having a bad day he treats me like a queen.
He always lets me know that I am the most important thing in his life. He tells me all the time that I have made him a better person. When it comes down to it he has made me who I am.
Growing up in a split family I suffered with self esteem. I never thought I was good enough or pretty enough. Because of that I did things that I thought would make me happy, but in the end it just made me feel worse about myself.
My parents loved me, but they were busy working on a marriage. Trying to combine 2 families. They spent a lot of time together, and we spent a lot of time with Grandma and Grandpa.
When I met Josh, he stood up for me. People started looking at me different, in a good way. I always say that he was my Knight In Shinning Armor!! He still is and will always be.
I would dare say that our marriage is a fairy tale. And that we lived Happily Ever After.


Christy Woolston said...

A match made in heaven. Sounds like the two of you are perfect for each other but, we already knew that ;) Here's to happily ever after (lifting a glass of apple juice). Cheers!

jon and em said...

This post totally reminds me of elder uchtdorf's talk called 'Happily Ever After' . . . your story is as good as any fairytale!,5232,23-1-1207-40,00.html