Friday, November 8, 2013

16 years ago!

My Best friend and I decided that we wanted something more in our lives. We had been married for 2 years, but felt like we needed something more remind you were 20. We had still been living like teenagers, because we were.
We decided we wanted to be sealed as a family. We wanted to be together forever . I still remember that day like it was yesterday,the only difference is that some of our family have now passed away.
I think God knew what he was doing when he put Josh and I in each others paths. He knew that I would drive him crazy, but love him with all my heart. That I would support him through life,even if we weren't on the same page.
As I was talking to a good friend of mine,she was telling me a story of two angels in heaven before they came down to earth. They were Best  Friends. One of the angels said to the other I love you so much that when we get to earth I am going to help you, I love you so much and want to make sure that you make it back. So I am going to hurt you so that you learn to forgive.
There is more to the story, she is trying to find it for me, but that's how I feel about Josh and I . Sometimes we hurt our best friends, we don't mean to, it just happens, but God has given us every opportunity to make it back to heaven.
I am so grateful for Josh, and for the trials our marriage has gone through. I am grateful for love and for forgivenes. For Christ and his example of charity and love.
I am songrageful for Josh and so grateful we were sealed.

1 comment:

Aislinn said...

LOVE IT! 16 years - how awesome is that?! Congrats!!
I have heard that story before as well - it's a good one!