Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Now that I have had time to think

It has been a couple of days since the accident of my niece and her sweet little family to be. I have had some time to collect my thoughts. I still don't understand why this had to happen to such a sweet little family. I say that because they were getting married after their son was born. They were so happy, and madly in love with each other. They loved their animals and truly loved each other. This is a quote from Garrett to Kels " I love you. i am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had. and no matter what happens to us in the future, every day we are together is the greatest day of my life."
How sweet is that!!
I have watched this sweet little girl grow up, and have always considered her my niece, when really we should say we are cousins. That just never felt right.
Kels had the biggest heart, and life is going to be so different with our her. I do have to say I am so glad that they all went together because I don't think they could have been happy if just one had lived.
You just never know what life is going to give you. I wish people would just understand that. You may be mad at someone, but you shouldn't let it last for years, you just never know if you will ever see each other again. People need to learn how to forgive and love each other like there is no tomorrow.
The good thing about being LDS, is that I know that I will see her again. I know that sweet girl is in heaven. I don't believe that just good LDS go to heaven. You have to be a pretty bad person to not make it to heaven. I know that I will see her again, and that I will get to meet baby Sage. I know right now she is up there with my grandpa and that makes me feel a little better.

1 comment:

Liz said...

love you guys! glad you're feeling some comfort at this time