Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My baby boy is 17

It seems so weird to say that because it seems like it was just yesterday that I had him. I still look into his brown eyes and see that little boy that stole my heart, and half the time melt and give into his wants.
This year has been hard on both of us, but I wouldn't change it. I know that you are getting older and are seeing how far you can push us. You are trying to find your limits, and cut the stings. Which is good.
No matter what choices you make, I will always be here for you, I will always love you, and I will always try to give you advice, or give you a shoulder to cry on.
I want you to also know that even though some of your choices haven't been the best, that doesn't mean you aren't a good kid. Good people make bad choices sometimes, but what we do after we have made the choices is the important thing. I hope that you grow and learn from each good and bad choice.
I love you to pieces.
Love Mom.

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