Sunday, December 16, 2012


That is what our RS lesson was on today. My favorite teacher also was teaching!! I love this woman to death. She gives the best lessons.
Today she told a personal story. She talked about her divorce that was 25 years ago. She said that it had been 25 or so years since she had seen her ex. But that her, a friend,  her daughter and son in law went on a vacation to the state where he lived. She wasn't planning on seeing her ex, but it just so happened that they all went out to dinner together, and how her friend refused to sit any where near her Ex because she couldn't forgive him for what he had done to her good friend. She then said something that I don't think that most people think about. She knew that her friend loved her, and that is why she had the bad feelings, but that by her actions that day she actually hurt her. Because if she could forgive her Ex for the things that had happened to her, then her friend should be able to as well.
I loved it! How many times to we hold grudges against people because they hurt someone we love. By doing that we too are hurting the ones that we love. If they are able to forgive the people that hurt them, then we should be able to forgive them as well.
Its like I have said before holding grudges just makes you miserable because you let it eat at you until you let it destroy you. I wish people could understand how forgiving people does you good. You deal with it and then get over it and don't think about it again. you will be so much happier. 

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