Monday, October 8, 2012

Confused and frustrated

I can't tell who is pushing me more, God, or the Devil!! Today when I look at things I just don't see them getting any easier, or better, and I am getting more angry and negative. As I see my husband change for the better, I feel the Devil working on me, trying to destroy what we are trying to repair. We are feeling his attacks from all sides, it's not enough that he got my husband, now he is working on my kids.
I feel like I am at the end of my rope, and there is no more nice in me. I am tired of seeing my son hurt! There is nothing more I can do for him. I am here for him when he needs an ear, or a hug, but what is to be is up to him.
I am tired of being the big person today, I just feel like I am done. Tired of my husband working his butt off to find once again it doesn't pay off. Today I ask when is it going to end? When is enough, enough?
No positive today sorry folks!

1 comment:

Aislinn said...

some days are just like that...but you are still loved and cherished by Heavenly Father and your sweet hubby, and me of course!! Hang in there - things will look up - might not be today or tomorrow or even in a month - but they will - eventually - they will!!