Sunday, September 2, 2012

I surprised myself!

 About a month ago I was released from being the Activity day leader. Although I was glad because I had been in for about 2 years, I was also sad. Sad because all the girls are so dang cute and fun. I loved being in there with my girls and their friends.
When they released me they asked me if I would accept another calling as a primary teacher. I so did not want to accept that calling, but when then told me I would be teaching my daughter Mary's class I couldn't say no. I was also going to be teamed up with a friend that we hang out with. So how could this be good.
The last couple of weeks I have taught the lesson, and I just love my class. We have so much fun, and I am so happy when I get home.
I truly believe that Heavenly Father knew that I needed a break from relief society. At this point in my life I just enjoy being around little kids who have the kindest hearts and the happiest little faces. What a joy it is to teach them.

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