Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I give up?

As a parent all we want is to see our children succeed. So when my bright kids, get bad grades, I get frustrated. They don't seem to understand why. They tell me that They aren't as smart as I think. Hahaha!! What ever!! I know they are smarter than they are showing. I wish that they understood I just want the best for them. I love them and would do anything in the world for them.
But when they don't get good grades, mom isn't happy there for she makes their life misrable by grounding them from eveything.
I am fit to be tied!! I don't know what else I can do. I have even offerd to do their home work for them. But they would just rather not do it at all. I know that is bad, but I would, as long as they sat there by my side.

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