Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What a blessing

When Josh was called to be in charge of the sub for Santa, I thought Oh no big deal! I was excited to help him. We started by having women in the ward make ornaments so that we could put the family # sex of the child, age, and price. It seemed pretty easy.
Easy I think was a good way to put it. I think the hardest thing was having to meet with the Bishop on every Sunday morning and having him change his mind a little here and there, but over all it was easy, and I enjoyed every minute of it.
First I started by taking ornaments for my family. I took my girls out shopping and had a ball finding gifts for these little kids.
Second, and the most fun was going through the gifts, and making sure that each child had an even amount. My living room was full of gifts!! Josh and I had so much fun going through the list. I made sure that each little girl had a doll of some sort.
Yesterday was a little stressful, because we had a person return ornaments with out gifts, it was a good number, SO I went and bought some gifts from the activity day girls, I thought it would be good to have them involved with the giving.
Third, and the Best thing ever was all the kindness from or ward members, they have been so loving and giving. I am so grateful that I was raised in this ward, and that my kids are getting the chance to experience the love that I did as a child. The people are truly great! I know one of the reasons we haven't been able to move is because we truly have people that love us in this ward.
This has been one of the best experiences I have ever had, and has made me truly have the spirit of Christmas.
Josh and I took the gifts down to the ward to put them in a room after we put them in bags that were numbered. When we got there we were surprised to find more gifts that had been dropped off.
Tonight all the young women are going to wrap all the gifts!! What a great experience for them.
I just hope that all of us can remember that Jesus is the reason for the Season. Merry Christmas to you all.

1 comment:

we said...

This is beautiful! I love the Spirit of Christmas!