Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's amazing to me

My life!! It's amazing!! Why? Well because I rock!! No, Really. I feel like I am on top of the world. But what amazes me is people. Maybe it's the devil, or maybe it's just misrable people trying to make others feel the way they do. It's crazy negativity can be so much stronger than positivity. Have you ever noticed that when you are aournd someone who is negative, it wears on you? I have to aviod people like that.
The reason this topic came about is someone talked to my dad, and asked him if I was struggling with the church. Which is a funny question to ask,considering that I have done a one eighty, I go to church every sunday, all 3 meetings, I am reading my scriptures every night,having family prayer, and having family home evening. I will admit that about 4 years ago I was struggling with the church up unitl about a year ago, but things changed, I changed. I realized how important the church is, and that I needed to change.

I don't know who the person is, nor do I care. But it's funny to me that when I feel high on life someone who is misrable trys to do or say things to bring me down.
Who cares if I am struggling with anything? Really!! I know my famiy and good friends would, they would also try to help,they wouldn't just try to stir up crap.
So Now that I have said that I can go on being Happy!! So to who ever you are NOPE I AM GOOD!! Love the church, love how it makes me feel. Love that I have an Eternal Family that will be with me forever, Love that I have a wonderful husband!! Love my Bishop, he is awesome!! Life is great!!

1 comment:

Liz said...

way to go to not let it get you down. you're right, life is wonderful and it's what you make of it.