Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Good memories

Today is, or would be my Grandpas 89th Birthday. He has been gone now for 8 years, and oh boy howdy do I still miss him. I miss his smile, his voice, his piano playing, his hand shake, and his positive out look on life.
He always had great advice, the most important was to always support Josh. Sometimes I would complain to him about how much Josh worked, or about Josh being in school, and my grandpa would just say you need to support him. He is going to go far.
My grandpa wasn't one to get mad very often, I think he got mad at me once. It stuck with only because he came and apologized after.
When I was little we would go hiking. We were little probably 8 or so. We were hiking up to Mary's lake. I remember him acting like he couldn't make it, that he was tired. So I grabbed his hand and pulled him up the hill. He did that a few times.
Today I miss him a lot. Today I took Josh up and got his learners permit. It's days like this that I miss him most. Days that big things happen, and that I want to share with him. He loved my boys. He would lay on the floor and let them crawl all over him. He was all about the kids. He would do anything for them. He loved to read little Josh stories out of the bible.
Grandpa theres not a day that goes by that I don't think about you. Wishing that when I stopped by to visit that you were there waiting for me on the deck so we could talk,Wishing that you were here to help teach my kids all the things they need to know, and helping Josh play the piano. I know that you are up there looking out for all of us. Making sure that we all have an angel on our shoulder keeping us on the right path.
Love you Grandpa!! Happy Birthday!!

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