Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I wish he understood

I wish as a kid I would have understood why my parents had the rules they had. Now more than ever I wish my son could understand why I am so hard on him. With him he thinks that I just don't trust him. I try to explain to him that it's not him that I don't trust, it's the devil. Josh is such a good kid that the devil would love for him to screw up. And that he is going to be working extra hard on him. It will start with small things until one day Josh looks back and and wonders how he got so far off the path. I tell him it always starts with the small things.
As a mom I don't want my little brown eyed baby boy to grow up. Heaven forbid start having a girl friend. I know that it is going to happen. And I know that I am going to welcome her with open arms. I think it's important to let her know that I like her. I don't want to make her feel like I don't like her, I know how that feels( not so good).
I am going to be hard on them. I know how easy it is to mess up when you think you are in love. I know that I will allow it and I will watch them.
It is easy for people to judge and say how he is too young and I should break them up, but I say you raise you kids and I'll raise mine.
I trust my son!! He tells me everything!! I know thats hard for some people to believe, but he does.

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