Monday, June 6, 2011

Another year older

Thats right, This sexy lady is turning 34 tomorrow!!!

What I have learned in my 34 years of life well a lot!!!

1. that no matter what I do my Heavenly Father loves me.

2. That I don't care what others think of me.

3. I have the Best Husband in the world!!!

4. What TRUE Friends are!!

5. My Family is all that matters to me. As long as I have a good relationship with my kids and Husband, and Parents I will be happy.

6. Don't count on others to make your dreams come true.

7. Life is short don't waste time dwelling on the things you don't have.

8. You are never going to be Happy in life unless you are Happy with yourself.

9. That I will be given trials, but because of my great disposition I will be able to make it through them and learn from them in a positive way.

10. That my prayers are answered even though it's not the answer I am looking for. Sometimes not getting an answer is the answer.

11. That I am loved !!

12. Marriage is hard, but worth it.

13. Put yourself last.

14. If you don't want people gossip about you, don't give them things to gossip about.

15. There will always be something that needs fixing around the House!!

16. My kids rooms will never be as spotless as mine was.

17. Being a parent of teenagers is hard, but worth all the stress in the world.

18. That sometimes it's ok to live on the wild side and let your son tie a rope to the back of the vehicle and skate board down the BLVD.

19. That I will teach my kids everything I can, but in the end the decision to choose right from wrong is theirs.

20. That I have raised my kids to respect others.

21. That I will go to my kids defense until they are proven guilty.

22. I will not stand by and let people make my kids out to be something they aren't.

23. That when people attack my children the mama bear comes out and it's not pretty.

24. That no matter how bad I don't want to let my kids to a sport, I have to let them.

25. A broken wrist isn't that bad!!! I can be calm and deal with things rationally.

26. That my boys are going to start having girlfriends, and it's ok!!!

27. That life is like a box of chocolates!!

28. I may never move, and I am ok with that

29. Helping others is what makes me HAPPY!!

30. I love to listen and try to comfort people.

31. To think before I speak :)

32. Planting flowers makes me HAPPY!!

33. That it's ok to have ME TIME!!!

Last but not least is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

34. I am BEAUTIFUL, and I LOVE MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nikkie said...

Happy Birthday to you my dear friend! I hope your day is amazing. Thank you for posting all 34 of those awsome things you have learned in your life. They really open my eyes to a lot! You really are beautiful, inside and out, and I love you to pieces!
Hugs to you!

Becky said...

Happy Birthday Lady!! I think you are smarter then me!!

Liz said...

Happy Birthday Heidi! Sorry that your cat went crazy on your day.