Friday, May 20, 2011

Poor Puppies!!!

Last night the rain was bad!!!! I woke up to my dog tank barking. He wouldn't shut it. I always get nervous when my dogs bark, becasue my neighbor likes to call me at wee hours in the morning telling me about it. Sometimes she calls animal contol on me as well. He barked for about an hour off and on. This was from about 2 to 3. Then right as I am falling asleep after he hadn't barked for a bit, the thunder was really loud. All the sudden I hear an animal yelping like it was hurt. At first I thought it was a little dog, so did Josh when I woke him up to listen to it. Then we could tell it was one of our dogs. We jumped out of bed, I ran to the window so I could see into their kennel, and everything seemed fine. But which ever dog it was just kept yelping.
We decided that we would let them into the washroom. While I moved all our baby kitty's out of sight, Josh ran out opened the kennel. Tank bolted, and Cricket was no where to be seen( it doesn't help that she is black). So there I am standing at the back door in my garnments yelling, clapping my hands, and wistleing for my dogs. Finally Cricket comes running to the back door, and motion for her to come in. She runs in and lays on the blanket I had laid down for her. Poor thing!! She was scared. Then finally after about 10 minutes of me yelling and acting like and idot, tank came to the back door. He came in and laid on the other blanket. I felt so bad for them. They were in heaven. We don't allow our dogs in our house. They for one are too big, and not potty trained, and the other is my allergies are too bad. Just from letting them in last night, and having the kittens in my room, I couldn't breath when I went back to bed. It took me about an hour to be able to breath normal. I wish it was different. But we are all blessed with allergies at the Redd home.

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