Friday, April 15, 2011

You were right

Those are the words every parent likes to hear!!! But not so sure how excited I should be about hearing them.
For years I have been very open with my kids about a lot of things. Some of you may wonder what the heck I was thinking, but from my experiences I decided that I was going to prepare my kids for the cruel world. I would rather it come from me than kids at school or friends.
When my oldest was in 5th grade, I showed up to pick him up from school. As I waited for him, I saw him walking with his friends and some girls. All the sudden he gives one of the girls a peck on the cheek. It kind of surprised me. He got into the car and we headed home. He and his friend were sitting at the kitchen table talking, and I just asked "so what was that?" He said "What?" So I said" Why did you kiss that girl on the cheek?" He said"Oh she's my girlfriend." So there it began. The lecture!!
I said to him you are too young to have a girlfriend and to even start kissing them on the cheek. A kiss on the cheek will lead you to bigger kisses, and soon you'll be filling her up, and then before you know it you are going to have a kid at 17 like I did. Is that what you want? They both sat there with big eyes.
Now my son is in 9th grade, and believe it or not he has listened to me. I am very hard on him about having girl friends. I don't care if they are friends, they don't need to pair up. Life is too short to have a steady girl friend.
Josh and I have talked to him over and over about girls and sex. Often times he says why do we talk about this all the time. We say well Josh you are getting to that age where all your friends are going to be having girlfriends, and girls become the cool thing, and if we haven't drilled it into your head, when you get in a situation like what we are talking about you won't know what to do.
We tell him all the time what a good kid he is, and that we trust him fully, but when you are put in a situation you need to know how to handle it.
Joshie came to me the other night and told me somethings about a few of his friends. They have had girlfriends for a while, and were all over each other all the time. Josh and I told him that they were headed down a not so good road, and that more than likely they would be getting themselves into a bad situation, and sure enough it happened. Josh told his friend how stupid he was, and the kid said I don't know how it happened. It just did.
I told Joshie, and now that he has done that with one girl, he will probably do that with all his girlfriends, and then he is going to get a sexually transmitted disease, and have a kid before he graduates, if he graduates. All Joshie could say is I know.
All I can say is parents make sure your kids know what the consequences are, make sure you teach them about sex. If they don't learn it from you they are going to learn it from others. Help them prepare for the temptations of this cruel world. Help them be strong. Help them to know what to do when they get in bad situations.

1 comment:

Tonee said...

I love how open you are with your kids - I guess that's how you have to be nowadays. I look up to you guys a lot! you guys rock!