Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Thats what makes it hard

So as some of you know I am in activity days. I don't love the calling, but I love being able to spend the time with my daughter Lili, and soon to be Mary too. Recently they called 2 other leaders. One of the leaders schedule doesn't work with the time that we have activity days, so we decided to change the day and time so she could make it. It was Tuesdays at 4:00, and was changed to Tuesdays at 4:30, but one of the leaders still couldn't make that because she doesn't get off till 5:00 and works in Ogden so she doesn't get home till 5:30 or 6:00. So we decided to change it to Saturdays so she could be there. Well we had a few moms complain about that. Saturday is the only day they have to do things. SOOO we said ok, how about every fourth Tuesday at 4:00, and ever second Saturday at 1:00. Well parents are having a hard time remembering the days, along with me( I am an airhead).
So yesterday was Activity days. I wasn't able to make it due to my son wrestling. So the other lady that is in it covered for me. One of the moms showed up and proceeded to chew her out. And insulted her by saying what is this ward trying to do, give all the inactive people callings. I don't think she needed to say that, so now a few of us are a Little upset. We try our hardest to make sure these girls are taking care of, and having a good time.
You know there is a reason that we were called to this calling. We sacrifice our time with our families to do it, but by all means if you think you can do a better job, why don't you ask to have our calling.
Sometimes people need to learn to shut their mouths. They need to learn that not everything that think needs to be said. That my friends is why we have so many people who don't come to church. People are rude, and they don't think before they speak.

1 comment:

Nikkie said...

I am so greatful that we are in activity days together, cause I dont know if I would have been able to handle the situation yesterday if it wasnt for you.
I am so greatful for our friendship and your sweet,generious heart. All I have to say is, let us continue to do what we are doing and know that the Lord called us so it doesnt matter what OTHER people think.