Friday, February 25, 2011

Well Just when I thought it couldn't get worse!

Today I went to the boy's wrestling match. Josh and Brandon were going to wrestle the same kid. I thought that was weird, but ok. Josh won the kid, he did great.
Then a little later it was Bubba's turn. He was doing awesome. I was right up at the mat screaming my guts out when all the sudden the kid charges Bubba, knocks him backwards down on the mat, Bubba hits his head and goes purple, and passes out. No one notices that Bubba isn't moving. So I start to panic realizing that I know that he has been knocked out. So I run over to him and see blood on the mat, and his arm doesn't look normal. I wanted to freak out, but knew that I couldn't. I had to hold it together for Bubba. The coach was is shock, and didn't know what to do. I was on the floor telling Bubba he was going to be ok. Finally a guy that was a paramedic came over and helped splint his arm with a Tupperware lid. There were a couple of nurses that helped also.
Just so happened that Nanny and Papa had just showed up in time to see Bubba wrestle. They were very helpful in getting Bubba to the hospital. We went to Lake View because it was close, but they wouldn't take my insurance so that forced us to drive to LDS. When we showed up it was nice to see a friendly face(Carly) She stuck it out with us. We spent 5 hours in the ER. We had to wait until they put his wrist back into place. Carly stayed in the room with my while Josh stepped out. He doesn't do good with stuff like that.
Papa and Josh gave him a blessing. Bubba was doing good. He was such a trooper. He was nervous about what they had to do to put it back in place. Carly assured him he would be ok, and he wouldn't remember anything.
There is nothing worse than knowing that you can't take the pain away. Seeing your child sitting there in a bed crying and scared, and you can't do anything.I wanted to help him, but I couldn't. I told him to say a little prayer, that God would help him through this. So he did.
I just wanted to bawl. I wanted to scream and swear. Why does it seem like everything happens to Bubba. Can't the kid get a break.He is such a tender hearted kid.
I can say I hope that this up coming week is better, because this week has seriously sucked butt.
Penny and Jen I don't know what I would have done with out you. Thank you for taking my other 3 children. You two are great friends.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh man Heidi! I can relate to this one. It is so awful to see your child get hurt. That is a lot what Cooper's wrist looked like. I hated watching them put the bones back into place. That was one of the worst experience's ever. Why do the moms have to be so tough? Good thing you had Carly with you. I hope he gets better fast. I will keep him in my prayers. Hang in there!