Friday, February 11, 2011

Teared Up

Today I was chatting with one of my brothers on face book. It was so good to hear that he is doing good. He is up in Washington State closing on a house. So he is going to be much closer than he was in Japan. At least now he is in driving distance.
He asked about PJ. So we chatted a little about him. I just said to him that looking back over my life I would have never thought that PJ would have gotten mad at me to the point that he would never talk to me again. We have been best friends our whole life, and now no word from him in over a year. I started to tear up.
What has my family become? TOO BUSY for each other, and too caught up in our own lives to care whats going on in others, or maybe a little embarrassed. It has been a sad year for me, to watch my family become so distant. No one talks to each other any more. I feel like a ONLY CHILD. I hate it.
I just wish that they could all take a break, forget about the past, and reach out. We all have quirks, but that is what family is for, to look past them and to love you no matter what.
It breaks my heart all the time to think of my siblings, and how we used to get along, and play as kids. I loved my brothers so much, and my sister, we shared a room, along with all of our secrets. We were best buds.
It seems that mixing two families was hard on everyone, and people can't let go of the past, even if they say they have. We all have issues, and until we all learn to deal with them we will never be close, and our kids will never be close and that just stinks!

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