Friday, January 28, 2011

Feeling Blah

This weather has got me down, I have been in the worst mood for days. I want it to be sunny and warm.
Josh and I had a discussion last night about our kids, kind of a what if situation. What would you as a parent do? I don't know if he agreed with me or not. I couldn't be nice so we stopped talking.
You have raised them to know what is right, and what is wrong. What do you do when they choose the wrong path. Do you make excuses for them, or do you hold tight and let them suffer the consequences, no matter how hard they might be?
I feel that if they are in the wrong, and that is what they have chosen than they need to deal with the consequences. I think it makes them realize just how wrong they are.
I just know from my experiences, that I have learned more when I have had to suffer. That is why I am the way I am.
No one wants to see their kids suffer, but if you bail them out everytime, they are never going to learn, and they will never make it in the real world. The real world is hard. They have got to learn to make it on their own.
I was 17 when I got pregnant with little Josh. Josh and I knew what we were doing. We then had to jump in to being adults. Life sucked.Sometimes life still sucks. No one made it easy on us, infact sometimes they made it worse.My Grandma was so mad at me that she told me not to talk to her, that when she was ready to talk to me she would come to me. It broke my heart. But we grew from our expierences. We are better people because of it. We are better parents becasue of it. I am not saying that I won't love my children if they make wrong choices, I will always love them.I am just saying they are going to have to bail themselves out when they choose wrong.
If I had to do it all over again I would change a few things. But my motto is everything happens for a reason. Even if you never know what that reason may be.
I fully believe that I was ment to have Joshie. He has been the best thing in my life. He and I have the best relationship a mother and son can have. He is a great kid. I love him to pieces. I couldn't imagine my life with out him. I feel the same about my other kiddos. They are all great kids. They have helped me be a better person.

1 comment:

Tonee said...

Ugh, don't even fast forward me to the future, I like just dealing with hitting and temper tantrums at the moment!!! :) :)
I think you are right about letting them learn from their mistakes and being accountable for their actions. You sound like such a great mom, especially to teenagers. Can you give me a few pointers when I get there??? love you!