Thursday, January 20, 2011

Being a Parent stinks sometimes

Around our house we expect our kids to do chores. My kids hate it! Every day I end up getting frustrated because the chores just don't seem to get done the right way. I feel like I repeat myself day after day.
When I was growing up my Grandma did all the chores. YES!! I think we were spoiled that way. We were made to keep our rooms clean, and that ment our closets, drawers and beds. Our rooms were spotless. We also cleaned up after ourselves, and helped with dishes after meals. But other than that Grandma did it all.
Now that I have kids, I realize that I am not the one that messes everything up, so by golly they are going to help clean.
So from the time they were 4 or 5 they have had chores. I expect no less than 100%. And I expect them to do it in a time frame. They just fight me on it. So yesterday we had a great talk.
15yr old"Why dose it have to be done in your time frame?" Me "Because it shouldn't take you any longer." 14yr old"Huff" 15yr old" Why do you care if it takes me all day?" Me" Becasue it should only take 30 min.Ok new rule. You like to play, I like your chores done. So If your chore takes you 1hr instead of 30 min, then you have to be home 30 min earlier on the weekend. So instead of 11:00, it will be 10:30. And if it takes you an hour and 30 mins than you have to be home at 10:00 and so on. If your chores aren't done 100% and I catch you then you don't play at all!"
14yr old Huuufffffffffffff!
I think I got the point across!


we said...

isn't it funny how when you are young you feel like midnight is soooo early now if i get into bed past 1030 i feel like a rickety old woman! you have the best kids around and who's to blame?? YOU! love you sissy

Becky said...

Now, can you talk some sense into my two year old why it doesn't need to take 3 hours to pick up her toys?

gatherum1 said...

Love it!! I used a similar strategy when my kids acted up at church. If they couldn't be quiet at church, they had to have quiet time after church for the same amount of time. I guess the idea got across. Not one of them lies on the floor or talks out loud during sacrament meeting now! :)