Monday, November 8, 2010

Who would have thought?

13 years ago today, was the Best day of my life!! I have only had 6 Best days of my life, and this TOPS them all. November 8, 1997
2 young kids woke their 2 little babies up at 5:00 a.m. and headed for the Salt Lake Temple. We were changing our lives forever.
When Josh and I got married we were both just barely 18. His birthday was March, mine was June, and we were married in August. I know that a lot of people didn't think that we would make it. We were too young, and expecting a baby. There is no way that they will last!
The fist 2 years of our marriage were the hardest, I would dare say we were both unhappy. I wasn't sure that we were going to make it. We weren't headed down a good road.
One day I just looked at Josh and said" I don't care what you do, I am not divorcing you! I have seen what it has done to me, and I am not going to do that to our kids." Something changed in both of us that day. That is when we both wanted a better life for our family.
We worked hard, and had a great bishop. I haven't trusted a bishop since I was 13. So for me to actually like my bishop was awesome. Shortly after meeting with our bishop Reese Peters, we were worthy to go to the Temple.
What an amazing day. My favorite parts were seeing my hubby across from me. Looking in his Beautiful greenish brown eyes, and know that he loved me. Knowing that he felt the same way I did about him.
Hearing my little guy(Josh) out in the hall who was just 2 saying he wanted toast.
Seeing my two little guys enter the room,dressed in their white clothes, my eyes filled with tears, and my heart with joy, knowing that they were mine forever.Knowing that our lives were going to change for the better.
Getting up and looking in the mirror with our little family, and seeing us go on and on was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt.
I am glad that we decided to change our lives for the better. I am glad that our little family will be together Forever.
I can't think of any one else that I would rather be with than my Best friend, my one true love. The boy that changed my life for the better. The man who has made me feel like I am worth something, that I am the best person in the world, and that it doesn't matter what other people think as long as I am happy.
He taught me that if I am not happy with myself, than I am never going to be happy.
To my Wonderful, Amazing, Loving, Caring Husband. You are my life!!! You are why I wake up every morning, and why I am happy with life. You are the reason I am able to forgive and love others for their faults. Why I am able to forget about my past and be happy. You have helped me become who I am,You have helped me learn to love myself. and I love that. You have given me a great self esteem that I never thought was possible. You have spoiled me in so many ways, but mostly with love and affection. You are my knight in shinning armor!
I wish that we lived in a fairy tale world where we could just be with each other every day all day. You are my prince charming, and we will live our lives Happily Ever After!


Christy Woolston said...

What a wonderful thing to celebrate. You two are awesome...just keep those years ticking away...hand in hand and side by side.

Liz said...

Happy Temple Anniversary!! I loved reading this and proud of what you guys have gone through and where you're at now. You're wonderful!

jon and em said...

Just reading your description of the temple sealing made me wish so badly that we had been old enough to go. What an awesome memory, what an amazing day. Happy anniversary!

It did make me super excited to one day take a little angel to be sealed to us. Can't wait.

we said...

happy anniversary! that is awesome our sealings will only be 10 days apart! this was an awesome post, makes me excited to be sealed! yaaa hoo! love you sissy!