Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pot this is Kettle(hehehe)

So this last past Sunday we had dinner at our Grandma Redds house. This is the 2nd time that we have gone up there since grandpa died. I just don't care to go. With out grandpa there it's just not the same. Something sure was in the air.Since grandpa died, we have seen a whole new opinionated side of grandma, and I am not sure that I like it. She started in about how we all need to be grateful for what we have. She proceeded to ask my girls what they were grateful for, and when it took a minute to answer, because they were embarrased, she popped of with some comment that bothered me about how we need to teach our children to be grateful. Then she goes over to my hubby, stands behind him and squeezes his shoulders and says more on being grateful. I wondered what that was all about, until the wedding shower for my cute little sister in law later that evening. I feel like she got jipped. I feel when you do things for certain grand kids you should do the same for all of them. You can't have favorites. You need to treat them all equal. The same when all your kids are married, you can't pick and choose people get their feelings hurt. If you are going to be that way just give money.
Any way I have thought about what grandma said, and it has bugged me all week. I think when it comes down to it the Lowry Redd family is the most grateful family out there. We are all down to earth. We all have small homes and cars. We don't want what others have, we are happy with what we have.
But just so you all know these are the things that I am most grateful for. So here we go. I am grateful for my wonderful husband who treats me like a queen. My 4 PERFECT children who make life worth living. My tiny house and my cheep cars. I am grateful for all the crappy trials that I have had to over come. I am grateful for my life.


jon and em said...

Here's my take:

Grandma feels the same way about Grandpa as you do about Josh.
She has just lost the 'love of her life ~ her reason for living.' Her whole entire world has been turned on its head and she no longer has her helpmeet by her side.

What I think our little granny needs more than anything is love. Pure, genuine love. She's going to say some crazy things and do things that are unfair, but what will help her most is us showing her unconditional love and helping her through one of the hardest times in her life.

Anywho, have confidence that you do have a wonderful, grateful family (cause you do!) and trust that grandma is just lacking her old sidekick to keep her in line:)

Love you Heid.

we said...

heidi you are the best, your kids are the best and josh is the best. you have the most respectful grateful kids around. isn't a little coinsidental that your family hand painted my gift to remind everyone to give thanks and be grateful? that must have really felt like a swift hard kick to the crotch! haha YOU TAUGHT THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON that night, by example, just as Christ would, showing us how to give thanks and be grateful. i love you and am so grateful for YOU and the Christlike example you are.