Thursday, November 4, 2010

Little Mary

So we all know that Mary is the baby of our family. I wouldn't say she is spoiled, but some may disagree. For about a month now she hasn't wanted to go to school. She gets tummy aches, and the runs. This is not normal! She was getting better, and then got some bug and got sick maybe the 24 hour flu. Then it all started again. I got nervous and took her to the Dr. I wanted to make sure that she was ok, and that it wasn't something bad that I was just over looking. She was fine. She had pain, but no fever or anything else.
The weekend came and she did fine. She went Tricker Treating, played with friends. Never once complained about her tummy. Then when Monday rolls around, she doesn't want to go to school. I think she called me every day last week to come and get her.
Tuesday I decided to go and talk to the school. I was thinking about home school for her. I talked to the VP at the school. Which I was not impressed with at all. She couldn't even get Mary's name right. She kept calling her Lili. Together we came up with a plan. I hope it works.
While talking with the VP, I figured out what was bugging Mary. She is worried about me. When she said that my eyes teared up. I asked her why? She said" I am worried that you aren't going to be home when I get there." I said what do you mean? She said" I think something is going to happen to you." I said like dieing? "She said "yes!" She cried and I cried, and I just hugged her.
How sad is that! I know I haven't been feeling 100%, but I don't feel like it's my time to go. So later that night I had a good talk with Mary about what has been going on with me, and that all moms go through this, and that I am going to be ok. It's amazing what kids pick up on, and how bad it stresses them out.
She has been fine the rest of the week.
I have bribed her too! She has to go to school Happy and then she can get a book at the book fair.


we said...

oh my world, poor little sissy girl. when i was in 2nd grade that's when kieth and kent passed away and i CONVINCED that mom was going to die when i was at school. the one thing that actually made a difference which is really awesome of mom is that she gave me a little plastic card with the young womens theme on it so when i was scared i could pull it out and read it to help calm me down and it worked! i've often thought back on that and was grateful to learn at such a young age that the Holy Ghost is real and will comfort us always! too bad susie earnshaw isn't her school nurse susie she always gave me the queens treatment!

Nikkie said...

We love little Mary!! She is such a sweet! We have our fingers crossed and a prayer in our hearts for her, that all will get easier. Its tough growing up!!!
Hang in there Mary!!

allison wright said...

as i read your post heidi i thought of olivia going through what she described above. aren't brains interesting? i hope little mar-bear found some peace and hopefully with some time of her coming home to you she will feel better about school. you are a great mom heidi to take the time to understand what she is feeling and doing your best to make it better.

Liz said...

i bet the talk was exactly what she needed, sweet little mary bear.

Becky said...

I got tummy aches a lot in school too but looking back at it now I think I was just bored....

jon and em said...

so glad she was able to share what was bothering her. she is such a sweet little kiddo.