Friday, November 12, 2010

In the end it's not up to me

So yesterday I FINALLY went to see a Dr. I don't like Dr.'s Especially when they think the fix is pills. I am not one to take pills, unless I have to. A few years ago I started having some female problems, went in and found that I had a cyst. No big deal, it should go away on it's own. GREAT!!
But now it's been 2 years, since I have gone back. Things have just been getting worse, and I have no energy. I just put these Dr. visits off as long as possible.
I had a great OBGYN then he died, and I just haven't found one that even compares to him.
So I had my visit yesterday to make sure I wasn't dieing. And after I was done It felt like I was. That poor lady didn't have a clue what she was looking for. Any way. She wants me to take some pills(hehehe) and then have an ultra sound to make sure my Uterus lining isn't too thick.
So this is what makes me sad. I am only 33. I want more kids. In fact I have wanted more kids for 6 years. But now I have gone from being fertile mertile to NOTA. How does someones body change so much.
I guess in the end it's not up to me how many kids I have. I am grateful that I was able to have the 4 beautiful, healthy children.


Nikkie said...

I so love you, Heidi! I hope all turns out good with the tests. Just remember, I totally understand what your going through! If you need anything Im here!

Liz said...

so they didn't figure out what was going on? that's frustrating. i hope they can figure it out from the ultrasound, keep us updated.

Becky said...

I have an awesome Dr. that I love. Dr. Nathan Ward. He is over at Lakeview Womens Center. My friends referred him to me when my other OB/GYN quit in the middle of my pregnancy. And I think he is great. (As long as you don't mind having a dr from the Stake - I saw him in Stake Conference once... thats it!)

Tonee said...

Hope it all works out for you Heidi! If you ever need someone to talk to or ask questions about fertility stuff (if you wanted to go that route), please give me a call!