Monday, November 29, 2010

I am glad I am the way I am

A few months ago my son Josh left his skateboard at his friends brothers work. They had traded boards with the brother, and the brother was supposed to take Josh's board home. Months went by and I asked Josh about his board. He said Oh it is still at the brothers work. I told him that he needed to get it home. A few more weeks went by and I told Josh to call his friend and tell him that I wanted the board home or I would be talking to the parents.
Josh's friend called him and told him that his brother sold the board. Those of you who know me know how I felt about that. So I kept on Josh about his board. He said that his friends brother and parents were going to buy Josh a new board.
So a couple of weeks go by and no board. So Josh texts his friend and says my parents want to talk to your parents this weekend.
I didn't wait for Big Josh I went over to the friends house to talk to the mom. She wasn't home, and the maid couldn't understand me. So I left a note. Mrs ----- I just stopped by to talk to you about the situation with Josh's board. I understood that your son sold it, and I just needed to know what was going on.
A few hours later I get a phone call, and I got my butt handed to me. She was not nice at all. I have a certain word for women like her but I won't say it. I was very nice to her on the phone and she reassured me that her son did not sell the board, and if the other son is ratting the brother out she isn't going to be happy with him.
I apologized for the note, and told her I was just trying to find out what had happened to Josh's board. I hung up with her and then the son called Josh and told him he never said that his brother sold Josh's board, he said that it had been stolen for his brothers work.
I am furious!! I feel like this kid is lying to his friend. What type of friend does that.
Then I get a phone call from the friend apologizing I didn't even give him the time of day. I told that's fine. Josh should have gone and gotten his board. Thanks for the call.I hang up with that kid, and then the brother calls me same bull crap.
So long story short I tell Josh well looks like your out a board. He's OK with that.
A month later I get a phone call from the mom apologizing for the way she treated me, and letting me know that her boys were going to be giving Josh $40 for the board Which was nice but the board was $100. Well it's been 2 weeks and we haven't seen any $$.
Josh hung out with the kid on Saturday which I wasn't happy about. I had a long conversation about it with him. Those type of kids aren't your friends.
Me being the mom I am, if my kids pulled that crap, I would beat them, and make them pay the full amount. I don't get parents these days. How my children act reflects on me as a parent.

1 comment:

Aislinn said...

seems like the mom had no idea what was going on and the boys were pulling one over on her too! Good for you for trying to stand up for what is right - hope that your son gives serious consideration to the situation and his future contact with kids like this! Or keeps the lesson in mind so he can teach it to his own kids!