Saturday, September 11, 2010

Special moments

Today I was reminded that we need to cherish our relationships with out children.One day they may be here, and the next they could be gone. We need to be involved in their lives so when they are faced with trials, that they are Strong enough to over come them. When they are tempted or feel pressured by friends that they are strong enough to say no!!
Tonight when I go to bed I will give each of my kids an extra hug, and make sure they know that I love them, and that I will always be there for them.
I will do my best to teach them the best I can. And pray every day for them that they will make good choices.


Unknown said...

SO true. Some days I feel like I can see my kids growing right before my eyes- and I know these moments won't always be here- Great post. Also- good job on the biking.

we said...

that is beautiful, thanks for the reminder that we can all do better and love more in this life! you are the best example of always loving people! em and i were talking about you in NC about how giving and loving you are! we are blessed to have such an amazing big sissy to follow after! thanks for being such a good example, love you!

Liz said...

you're awesome heidi, kids are such a huge blessing to not take for granted. and congrats on feeling so good. i feel the same way and mostly it all links back to reading the Book of Mormon. the book does give us power each time we read! love you.

jon and em said...

Heid- your recent posts have been inspiring! I read a quote this morning that reminded me of what you wrote:

"Clearly, those of us who have been entrusted with precious children have been given a sacred, noble, stewardship, for we are the ones God has appointed to encircle today's children with love and the fire of faith and an understanding of who they are."

Can't think of anyone better to encircle your kiddos with love! You're a great mom.
And amen to you and Lizzy, my whole life changed when I started reading the Book of Mormon. I love that great book.