Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My Dear Sweet sisters

I just wanted to tell you all that you are wonderful!! you guys have made my week by your cute e-mails, and comments on my blog. I am so grateful for each of you. You have all touched my life in different ways.
You are all so strong, and happy, loving and encouraging. i am glad that we can check each others blogs and make comments.
I feel more apart of your lives since I have been reading your blogs. You all are wonderful.

Love Heidums


we said...

sistas rule! love you sissy so much. i am grateful for you and think the world of you. so awesome we get to be with each other for eternity! love ya!

Becky said...

Love ya Miss Heidi!!

jon and em said...

Amen! I feel we've been able to 'hang out' via the world wide web:) It makes living far from home not seem so far from home.

We love you Heid, you're the best oldest sister we could ask for!

allison wright said...

heidums i like the blog world just for that! i am excited for tomorrow and saturday. sure hope lili heals rapidly.

Liz said...

love you heid